About (3C) Church
The seeds of the church were planted in the lounge of Peter & Sandy's home on Sunday afternoons in late 2012. There were 7 people who started gathering and talking about our faith, where we were in terms of local church, and what kind of church we would like to be a part of.
It became clear that there were others who were interested in joining such a discussion and journey. We therefore consulted with local apostolic & prophetic voices, who agreed that a church plant was the way to go. In January 2013 (3C) Church was launched publicly and started gathering on Sunday mornings in the Master Builders Centre.
We grew from 10 to 12, to 15, to 22, 29, 25, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and then to 140 people, including the children who comprise almost half the church.
The church meets in the Master Builders Centre, located at the intersection of many communities and is accessible in all directions, including by public transport as we are right next to a taxi/ bus stop on the M13 freeway.
An integral part of the church's vision is to disciple students on the nearby UKZN-Westville campus. This happens by visiting the campus for small group meetings during the week, and the students also attend our Sunday gatherings, which become like a “home away from home”.
The three founding pillars of the church are:
• Relevant Gospel
• Contemporary Community
• Nation Building
Our Sunday morning gatherings start at 9AM at Master Builders Centre, and include fellowship, worship, children’s church, youth, bible teaching and ministry.
We would love for you to join us.